Containerizing a Django Application with Docker

Containerizing a Django Application with Docker

Containerizing a Django application using Docker makes it easier to manage dependencies, deploy consistently, and create a development environment that closely mirrors production. With Docker, you can encapsulate your Django app and its dependencies into a container, which can be run anywhere—whether it’s on your local machine, a cloud server, or during testing.

Why Containerize a Django App?

  • Consistency: Docker ensures that your app runs the same way across all environments.

  • Ease of Deployment: With Docker, you can quickly deploy your app to production or any cloud platform.

  • Simplified Dependency Management: Docker packages all dependencies together, eliminating versioning issues.


Before we begin, I’ll assume you already know how to set up and run an EC2 instance. You should have:

  • An EC2 instance running with SSH access.

  • Docker installed on the EC2 instance

  • Edit the inbound rules of the security group:

    • Add a new rule with:

      • Type: Custom TCP Rule

      • Port Range: 8000

      • Source: Anywhere (or a specific IP if you want to limit access).

Steps to Containerize Your Django Application

  1. Clone the Git Repo and navigate to examples → python-web-app

    Docker Hero to Zero

  2. File Structure

     ├── Dockerfile
     ├── devops/
     │   ├── <Your Django app files, like,, etc.>
     ├── requirements.txt
  3. Let’s Write the Docker file

# Use Ubuntu as the base image
FROM ubuntu

# Set environment variable to avoid interactive prompts during package installation
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

# Install system dependencies, including Python 3 and pip
RUN apt-get update && \\
    apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip python3-venv && \\
    apt-get clean

# Set the working directory inside the container

# Copy the current directory contents (including requirements.txt) into the container at /app
COPY requirements.txt /app
COPY devops /app

# Create a virtual environment and activate it
RUN python3 -m venv /env

# Install Python dependencies inside the virtual environment from requirements.txt
RUN /env/bin/pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

#Run the Django development server when the container starts
CMD ["/env/bin/python", "", "runserver", ""]
  • This line sets the base image for the Docker container. Here, you are using ubuntu, which means the container will be built from an Ubuntu 20.04 image.

  • This environment variable ensures that when installing packages with apt-get, there are no interactive prompts

  • The Python packages are necessary to run Python applications, particularly Django. Using y ensures that the installation happens automatically without waiting for user confirmation.

  • This command sets the working directory for any subsequent COPY, RUN, and CMD instructions. The working directory will be /app inside the container.

  • COPY requirements.txt /app etc, These steps bring the necessary application files (dependencies and project code) into the container so that it can be set up and run.

  • RUN python3 -m venv /env creates a virtual environment for Python within the container, stored in /env. A virtual environment helps isolate dependencies for this project, ensuring that packages installed within it don’t interfere with system-wide Python packages.

  • RUN /env/bin/pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt This installs the Python dependencies (e.g., Django, tzdata, etc.) into the virtual environment /env using pip. The --no-cache-dir option prevents pip from saving the downloaded packages, thus reducing the image size.

  • CMD ["/env/bin/python", "", "runserver", ""] ,this specifies the default command to run when the container starts. It tells Docker to run the Django development server, which listens on, making the app accessible from outside the container.

  • In this case, CMD is preferred because you might want to override the default behavior with another command during development or troubleshooting.

  1. Now build the docker image
docker build .
  1. Run the Django Application on the Docker container

    1. If you're running your Django application in a Docker container on an EC2 instance, the process to access the Django application from your browser is slightly different because you need to ensure that the EC2 security group allows traffic on the port and that the EC2 instance's IP is used to access the app.

    2. When running the Docker container on your EC2 instance, ensure that you're mapping the container's port 8000 to your EC2 instance's port 8000. This is called Port Mapping.

    3. Port mapping is the process of mapping a port on your local machine (host) to a port inside a Docker container. This allows you to access services running inside the container, such as a Django application, from your local machine or any device on the same network.

    4. In this case, the Django development server is running inside the container on port 8000. You need to map the container's port 8000 to a port on your local machine so that you can access the Django application in a web browser.

    5. Run the following command on your EC2 instance

    docker images #see the docker id
    docker run -it -p 8000:8000 <docker-image/id>
    #it indicated interactive mode
  1. Access the Webpage using
  1. Now Navigate to http://<your-ec2-public-ip>:8000 /demo and access the Webpage

    Voila you successfully containerized your Django Application 🎉🎊

~ Thank you